Herbs are a pretty big dill. It’s thyme we talk about them.

Herbs! Ohhhh, I love them. I’m so drawn to herbs. They give me such joy. In fact, one day I dream to learn about herbalism!

Not only are herbs incredibly delicious and a wonderful tasty addition to your everyday dish, they also contain fantastic therapeutic benefits and have been used for this reason for centuries.

Herbs contain unique antioxidants, essential oils, vitamins and many other plants derived nutrient substances, which help equip our body to fight against germs, toxins and to boost immunity level. Herbs are, in fact, medicines in smaller dosages.

Lets talk about a few of my favourites..


  • Contains antioxidant compounds

  • Contains essential oils which have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties

  • High levels of beta-carotene, vitamin A, lutein and zeaxatnthin – all involved in healthy aging and various disease processes! These are also essential nutrients for eye health

  • Vitamin K in basil is essential for the production of clotting factors in the blood and plays a vital role in the bone strengthening and mineralization

  • Excellent source of iron



  • Contains many essential oils

  • The leaves and stem are rich in antioxidant properties

  • Good source of minerals like potassium, iron and magnesium

  • Rich in folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C

  • Good for liver health!



  • Contains a number of health benefiting essential oils. Its leaves and stem has antiseptic properties. Its used in medicine for treatments of colds, flu, fevers, indigestion, stomach upsets, painful menstruation

  • One of its oils, thymol, has been found to have antibacterial, antifungal activities

  • Rich in antioxidants – meaning its protective against disease!

  • The active principles in the herb may improve gut motility, besides, increasing the digestion power by facilitating copious secretion of gastrointestinal juices.



  • The essential oil in Parsley called Eugenol has been in therapeutic application in dentistry as a local anesthetic and antiseptic agent for teeth and gum diseases. Eugenol has also been found to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetics

  • Rich in antioxidants and essential B vitamins



  • The herb parts, especially flower tops include phenolic antioxidant rosmarinic acid as well as numerous health benefiting volatile essential oils. These compounds are known to have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties. Rosmarinic acid has also been used for centuries to calm an anxious mind

  • Rich in folic acid, B vitamins and vitamin A



  • Thyme is another herb that is good for your digestion. It can also help with respiratory problems and skin disorders.

  • Like other herbs, thyme contains various minerals and vitamins - it's a great source of potassium (helps control your blood pressure), manganese, and iron.

  • Studies are looking into the potential use of thyme in preventing Alzheimer's disease



What’s your favorite herb and how do you like to use it?